My days back home
Holiday's over and I'm back in Notts now.
Realised I havent taken any photos this trip back home. Only the few pictures on my Bday. Hai...
Celebration is great; tiring but still quite fun.. At least I get to see my friends all at one time right.
Okie.. photos photos...

Realised I havent taken any photos this trip back home. Only the few pictures on my Bday. Hai...
Celebration is great; tiring but still quite fun.. At least I get to see my friends all at one time right.
Okie.. photos photos...
This holiday back home is short. Too short till I havent had time to meet all my friends (actually when the holiday was too long the previous time, i wasnt enthu to go out too.... hm.... *weird*) Anyway this time I had to fly back so soon that everything was in a rush! Hai...
Felt a little sian (not a little, in fact alot alot) when I boarded the plane. Felt sian because I have to go back to the boring little place to do my difficult work and do my boring cooking everyday. Anyway the plane took off from the runway while I was looking out of the cabin window and for the first time I felt that sg is really pretty! Amazingly pretty esp at night... How weird I only thought it's pretty after so many times I've looked at it in the past. Then tears flow out from my eyes - the first time I cried on the plane and I cannot explain why.
After the always-so-so flight dinner, I finally watched the full Sex and the city movie all at once. I wonder if I would be able to have such a group of friends when I reach 40-50. My thoughts resembled what I read on Wei's blog - how amazing is to have such good friends to be always there for each other even when each is so busy. True... Not many (very few in fact) would be able to have such a bond at that age.
Then it's sleeping and sleeping and sleeping and sleeping till the crew served breakfast. Landed. Took the tube to London. Took a coach back to Notts. On the way, can't help thinking that it feels so sian to be back in this boring place.
Mon: Reached home. Cleaned the house. Unpacked luggage. Went to the supermarket to buy food. Sleep. Next day - Tue, cleaning and unpacking again. Still felt tired after the almost 24hr-long journey. Still felt sian.
Wed: I was forced to be back to 'life' again. Went back to office, met my Prof, had an interview, met my colleagues. Then Thur: Gathering with friends, went out to buy necessities, went to the post office, blah blah. Things seemed to be on path and life seemed to be back to normal again with the sian feeling fading away, which is good I guess because it's time to get back to work again. Afterall, 每个人都在过日子,不是吗?
Actually, I should be glad that I still have him with me here because 还有一个人陪我过日子嘛。So I should be happy with what I have now =)
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