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Location: Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

Friday, August 29, 2008

Home Sweet Home

I'm back home. Feels a little weird the first two days but 'adapt' back pretty fast subsequently! Afterall, this is home!

Anyway coming back home is really an expensive matter. First the air tix is a big bomb. Next I need to do all the essentials like specs and contacts, hair, facial, massage and blah blah... And all these hit 4 digit within just a few days... Then I need to buy lotss of food and other essentials to bring back. *sigh*

Anyway I realised food is really gd here! Hehee.. I have been eating and eating everyday even when I'm not hungry. Fat fat fat.. and I don't dare to weigh myself!

Ok enough of crapping... (I am waiting for miss ee to reply me, she said wei and her want to come over to kovan........) Hm...... gathering seems to be always the 3 or 4 of us lately...


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