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Location: Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Sparks in life

I need some sparks in life.

I can't wait for my next spark in life to come.. Shifting house! hee.. I've already packed part of my things in the boxes because I cannot wait to move out. But there's still one month to go.........

Dissertation has occupied most of my time now. But actually I'm not that busy.. Just doing task everyday to keep myself on schedule. And I think this is going to be my life next time at least for the next 3 years. Well, actually I like it because I like doing things according to my own plan and staying at home most of the time to do work. But I think life in Nottingham will be much more busy than what I am now. Just hope that one day, my work can be published! Hee.. am I thinking too far?

Kk.. get back to work le..


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