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Location: Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


Ytsd night was having a chat with a friend at my room and we were on the topic of allergic. And I realised I was having the same skin allergic to her and we are allergic to WATER! That's the last thing I would have ever thought of. Well, blame it on the nice and clean water in SG that makes me so used to it and I am now allergic to hard water in the UK without myself realising it. Actually, it's not a major problem, just some dryness and itchiness sometimes when I bathe too many times, and the need to put lotss of moisturiser. I thought it's just the dry weather here, but apparently I was wrong and it's because of the water here. Hai.. what can I say? Well, can't do much about it too but to put more moisturiser.. .. ..


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