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Location: Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Fin Econs test result

Great efficiency is evident in uk for the first time. In 3 days time, i got back my test paper for the Monday's Fin Econs test. Well, the test mark (38 over 50) wasn't fantastic; but the happy news is that i was the highest in the class of 80plus people. I should be happy of course with this, but i was a bit angry with myself for making some stupid and careless mistakes of the obvious.

I sold my Lincoln tickets. Decided not to go for the Xmas market as it will be too cold on Sat (estimated temperature is 2 degrees celcius). But other plans are made. Decided to join the gym membership here and i'll be starting my first gym session tmr together with Yoga and Spin classes. Have decided to keep a healthy lifestyle here! Haha and most importantly to keep myself slim slim.. Hee..

Good luck for my first gym session with an ang moh personal trainer! Haaa...


Blogger Shi Wei said...

wah..nice pics! i wish i can go toooooooOO~ why u nv pack me if ur luggage? T_T

12/29/2006 4:21 am  

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