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Location: Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

Friday, October 27, 2006

The Earthworm Story

Little earthworms live under the ground, deep in the soil. Earthworms with Britain citizenship is especially gigantic and enormous. This is probably due to them living in a highly developed country. Like their species anywhere in the world, British earthworms like to move up to the ground for some sight-seeing and a little stroll when they are bored. However, this trip entails great amount of danger. The gigantic beings stomping around the surface of the ground might stamped the earthworms flat at any time. So it all ends with some big and fat but flat earthworms.

Silly, i know. End of story.

My point is that there are so many big and fat earthworms along my usual garden path to school. And more importantly, they are usually flat or dead. Sad earthworms. Hai...


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