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Location: Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

First day of school

Went for my first lecture yesterday. Nothing interesting happen. In fact, it was boring. Went school, went to lecture hall, listen to lecturer, copy notes, end of lecture, went home. How interesting can this be??

Wanted to write sth yesterday, but when I reach home, I realised I was blushing on my cheeks! Wonder what happen and why I am so hot suddenly. Stupid me! I had a fever! Hai.. Sick sick sick.. Why does the weather here likes to make pple sick? Let me explain.. Morning it was freezing cold when I wake up. I got to wear 3 layers of clothes. Afternoon it was hot and sunny so I went out for a walk. Then in less than 5 min, a dark cloud came by and flood the town with showers. Though I had an umbrella, I was still drenched. When I got back into the shelter, the rain stopped. The sun came out and I saw the first rainbow in UK! Hee this is the only consoling thing I guess.

So I slept 13 hours after my heavy dosage of paracetamol.


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