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Location: Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Burleigh Woods walk

Went to the woods for a walk today with louis and two of my friends. Expected a woods full of purple flowers blooming but was a little disappointed when we reach because we missed the prime period (which was last few weeks) and the flowers are starting to wither soon. Nonetheless, we took some photos and had a great walk breathing the fresh air!

See how tall the grass is! Almost at my waist! =P

My red top contrasting with the green green grass... ...

3 little girls sitting on the fence...
(Nice photo but I look superly fat here =(... )

On the small small bridge that has no river beneath it.. I think the water has dried up!

I like this photo alot. Give me a nice feeling that is undescribable...

With the purple flowers on the ground. They are supposed to be very "purple" and dense last few weeks!! Now it is only slightly purple and alot alot less...

Please imagine a ground that is purple in colour!... ... ...


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