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Thursday, June 19, 2008


1. I've passed my first year and progress to the second year successfully on 17th June 2008!

2. I bought a new laptop for myself!

3. I'm sick =(

(1) Although I thought I've performed poorly for my presentation and Q&A, I passed! (Probably because the assessor is handsome and nice.. hohoho and probably because he's my 'friend'). But this nice young doctor is leaving soon and he won't be around next year to be my assessor =( Hai...

Anyway report writing, presentations and meetings will stop for now (as least for one month I hope)... And I'm now back to my work: Programming, statistical analysis, monte carlo and option valuation!! Eww this will be my "homework" while my supervisors go off for their Summer holidays, leaving me here mugging. Can I finish all in one month? Of course not! I am not a genius or mathematician like the REST... Especially an idiot like me in programming and stats!

(2) To my new laptop... hehee.. I just bought a SONY laptop. This will speed up all my programs and running of the mega softwares! YEAH! And it has a big screen for me to analysis my data too! Hopefully that will save my eyes and prevent it from deteriorating further... ... ...

(3) And now when everything is over, I'm sick. Reminds me of the previous year when I fell sick right after my exams and went for my Summer tour with swollen eyes. It's probably the cumulative outcome of the whole semester's work.

That's all for now.

Back to my C++ again... ... ... (One last complain: Why am I such an idiot in programming code? I desperately need to catch up with the rest of the GUYS!) Arrrggghhh...


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