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Location: Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Are we growing old in the speed of light?

Today I received a friendster request through my mailbox. It was ages, and I really mean ages since I last logged into friendster. I logged in and cannot help to be a busybody looking at everyone's update, and realise how other people have changed and how they have been living their life. Then back to myself, I browsed through my own photos and realised how different I looked and 'felt' 1.5 years ago...

Are we growing old in light-speed instead of year-speed? It feels like. Time passes so fast, too fast for me to realise what's happening around me. This suddenly gives me a warning to treasure what I have now. And I really mean treasure not only people around me, but me myself. Probably I should sometimes stop and listen to what I want and what's inside me. But ironically sometimes I don't even know what I really want.

I think I'm just being crazy babbling about these nonsense on and on. Shall stop it now then.


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