My Photo
Location: Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

On the streets

Some pictures from my walk to the town.

I'm walking to the town...

Exploring the churches...

HSBC Bank.

Churches and churches...

One part of the Town

Flowers for sale!

The evening sky.

Lastly, the houses opposite my house.


Blogger Mara Santibáñez said...

greats photos!!!
where are you from?
what are you doing in england?
i'm in Paris

10/04/2006 9:42 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the place really looks very peaceful and storybook-like..


p/s: can ya get a tagboard?
=p if im not wrong. easier to converse there.

10/05/2006 10:23 am  
Blogger Da-Vinci-The-Great said...

Yea! This place looks story-book like indeed.. Hee.. Sorry for the late reply. Wanted to get the tagboard you mentioned before replying but haven't gotten it. So bear with this first ya? I will get it asap.. =P

10/06/2006 9:18 am  

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