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Friday, August 14, 2009

Bla bla bla

One month passed miraculously fast. Seems like i had only been back for 1 or 2 weeks. Somehow i realise everytime i'm back, i am in for something. It was my bday one year back, then chinese new year, and now our special day this time.

Busy, yet happy :)

Nothing to complain other than hoping i have more time to do more things.

One more small complain is my journey back to boredom land. Took me one whole day - 24hours! Set off at 4am, took a 2-3hr drive to the airport in KL, up the 13+ hour flight, landed and waited for our 4hr coach ride back. Everything took more than 24 hrs plus the waiting and waiting. My buttock was aching for at least 3 days after that. But thinking back, this 24hr would have been worst if he wasn't with me right? Hee..

Now jetlag is over and buttock is no longer aching. Feels good to be back in boredom land too. I love my life in SG, but i love my life more here (except for the no friends and more work part)?


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