
My Photo
Location: Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

back to the basic

I have a new wish.

-An acrylic paint seto-

No link with the title of this post though
..just feel like writing that title..

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Friendship is a sheltering tree

Questions from Her:

Do I have a tree?
Am I a tree?
Am I a tropical or temperate tree? Seasonal or evergreen tree?
A tree that will never wither?
Or a tree that only shades itself?

Answers for Her:

Yes, you have a tree.
Yes, you are a tree too.
You are a temperate tree to all, but a tropical tree to one. A seasonal tree to all, but an evergreen tree to one.
A tree that others may see as withering but a tree that never withers in the eyes of one.
You can't shade yourself, neither are you shading yourself, because there's a sheltering tree.

Thursday, January 25, 2007


Seeking simplicity in this world of sophistication is an art.

This world is sophisticated.
Humans are especially.
With a mind of complexity, how do one seek simplicity.

Perhaps this is what everyone live to search for.
Or perhaps i am the only seeking this in this world of sophistication.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

First snow

Seen and felt the first snow here one hour ago. It's beautiful. =) A white night before my first paper. What a gift!

Monday, January 22, 2007




Thursday, January 18, 2007

Mosquito Attack

Mosquitoes are evil.
I hate mosquitoes!

Aren't they suppose to die in Winter???!!!
Who is breeding them???!!!

Mosquitoes are evil.
I hate mosquitoes!

Scholarship award ceremony

Have not taken much photos recently.

Exam revision period = Hibernation period = Long hours of sleep period in the midst of Winter..

Exams are tiring... Revising all the concepts is tedious. But I shan't complain for i know being a student is still better than slogging hard at work.

The tiny contribution to my blog is the photos from the recent award ceremony. Reminds me of the Convocation in NTU...

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication

A recent found quote by Da Vinci that I like very much.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year - 2007 -

A brand new start.
A brand new beginning.